We promote a conscious and innovative cybersecurity community

We build solutions to help drive cybersecurity community awareness. Our approach is biased towards action across the private and public sector, including the development of a solid and innovative regulatory framework in Latin America to guarantee trust in a digital environment.

What we do

Our goal is provide tools and insights to enable governments, corporations, and the general public across Latin America to outpace emerging cyberthreats.

Conscious Community

We are building a conscious and innovative cybersecurity community to develop a safe digital ecosystem in the future.

Public Agenda

We connect key players that have an influence on public policy regarding cybersecurity and other  related issues.

International Cooperation

We promote the exchange of ideas and international best practices on cybersecurity and facilitate opportunities for dialogue among countries, regions, and institutions.

How we do it

We build trust, provide access, and connect the public and private sector to create a safer ecosystem.

Conscious Community

Preventing, detecting, protecting, and responding to cyberattacks is not the authorities' exclusive responsibility. Digital business requires digital trust and a safe ecosystem.

Public Agenda

  • Examine and analyze the processes of planning and implementing public policy.
  • Generate analytic, forefront documents with relevant information for policy makers.
  • Promote the enforcement of public commitments.
  • Facilitate spaces that enlighten initiatives and breakthroughs on digital trust.

International Cooperation

  • Facilitate effective collaboration and identification of key players in the international scenario.
  • Incentivize the fulfilment of Mexico’s international commitments (T-MEC, Pacific Alliance, TIPAT, etc.)
  • Foster the strengthening of Latin America to become a solid and innovative region on cybersecurity.


Cerc Logo

As the first council of experts on regulation and cybersecurity in Latin America, our main objective is to influence the public agenda to foster a reliable and innovative regulatory framework as well as facilitate dialogue among various actors to strengthen the secure digital environment.

The Council members are interdisciplinary senior leaders and experts focused on planning and implementing cybersecurity public policy, issuing recommendations based on best practices, and facilitating international cooperation.

Join the community

The Consejo Coordinador Empresarial and Metabase Q signed a cooperation agreement in cybersecurity. The agreement recognizes the importance of cooperation between the public and private sectors to foster the sharing of information. With this effort, we hope to consolidate a conscious community in cybersecurity and promote the development of a solid and innovative legal framework in Mexico.

Learn More

The Women's Empowerment Principles, are a joint effort between de United Nations' Global Pact and UN Women. It involves 7 principles, that offer guidance to companies on how to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women in the workplace.

Metabase Q was recognized as a company that promotes these principles for the Womens Ecomonic Empowerment (NU-WEPS) on april of 2021.


We have developed strategic alliances with prestigious public, private, and academic actors at the national and international level in cybersecurity.

Join the community
Logo Cámara de DiputadosLogo IncibeLogo AmitiLogo CasedeLogo Holland & KnightLogo MBCA ConsultoresLogo Georgetown UniversityLogo Tecnológico de Monterrey


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